Lead Paint Inspection Service in Warrington Bucks County
Lead Paint Inspections Service in Philadelphia & South Jersey
Licensed and Certified Lead Inspection in Bucks County, PA

The Historic National Irwin House in Warrington
Warrington is a beautiful borough in Bucks County Pennsylvania. Its close proximity to Philadelphia makes it an ideal place to race a family. The township includes Graeme Park, Fonthill Castle and a fun Castle for Kids. It also boasts a wide variety of historic homes, such as the Nathanial Irwin house. But, because of its older dwellings, Warrington is also home to toxic lead paint.
Bay Hill Environmental is a licensed and certified Lead Paint Inspection service. We inspect Warrington homes and yards for lead-based paint (LBP) and provide Lead-Free and Lead-Safe certifications.
At Bay Hill, we service homeowners, investors, landlords, and property management companies in Warrington and the surrounding areas of Bucks County, including New Hope, Quakertown, and Langhorn.
Learn more about lead testing services, CLICK HERE
How Bay Hill Environmental Can Help Your Warrington Home with Lead Paint Testing
If you own older property in Warrington and plan on renting it out, you will need to hire a trustworthy expert to have it certified as lead-safe. The professionals here at Bay Hill Environmental can assist you with this. Our lead inspection service is not only guaranteed to be accurate, but it’s also very fast. Bay Hill Environmental inspectors are in the Bucks County area nearly every day so we can almost always inspect your property the same day or the next business day. Once we get a sample of the paint, we’ll get the results back to you as soon as we can.
To contact a lead paint inspection service in Warrington, CLICK HERE
Soil and Water Testing in Bucks County
Lead can also contaminate the soil and water. In older Bucks County neighborhoods where lead-based paint was once used routinely, dust and rubble from demolished buildings are the most common source of contamination. Bay Hill Environmental will test your soil and water for the presence of lead.
Homeowners in Warrington Need Lead Testing Services
Why should you test your Warrington home or apartment for lead-based paint?
If your Warrington home was built prior to March of 1978, you may wish to have the paint tested for your own peace of mind. Even if you don’t plan on selling or renting out the property anytime soon, it can still pose a danger to you and your family. Children six years old or younger who are exposed to lead paint are much more likely to develop learning disabilities.
Don’t put your children at risk, especially when affordable testing services are available in your Warrington neighborhood. Call Bay Hill today at 215-284-0086 or click here to request a quote.
Warrington Rental Properties Must be Lead-Safe or Lead-Free Certified
Anyone who owns rental property in Warrington that was built before March of 1978 must have that property certified lead-safe or lead-free. The regulations outlining this certification are a part of Chapter 6-800 and Chapter PM-102.0 of the Philadelphia City Code.
The Philadelphia city council passed a bill amending these specific chapters to include regulations about lead paint and certification requirements in 2011. These regulations affect all landlords, property managers, and anyone else in Warrington who rents multi-unit dwellings.